Credit: Amanda Oleander
Honest illustrations depict what really happens in long term relationships
Anyone who’s either in a long-term relationship or has experienced one knows that it’s not quite the same as dating in the early days. While that s**t’s all about making sure you iron your shirts, pluck your ear-hairs and wear your expensive cologne, a long-term relationship is a bit different. You get over the initial starry-eyed chemical attraction and begin to really appreciate someone for who they are. You bond. If you’re not sure exactly what that ends up looking like, artist Amanda Oleander has captured it pretty bloody well in a series of images…

Credit: Amanda Oleander
Oleander’s made a bit of a name for herself as an artist online, and when you look at these images, it’s easy to see why. They’re not just silly little cartoons. Yeah, nah, some of ‘em have actually got some pretty rad symbolism and stuff going on. Deadset, we reckon some arty farty types could even find stuff to study in there.

Credit: Amanda Oleander

Credit: Amanda Oleander

Credit: Amanda Oleander
Anyway, when asked about the images, she says: “These illustrations are inspired by my personal life. I love illustrating life behind closed doors. What really happens when we are comfortable at home by ourselves or with our loved ones. This is the first time I am in a healthy, loving and kind relationship. I love illustrating what it’s like to be in one and how important It is to be loved for who you really are.”

Credit: Amanda Oleander

Credit: Amanda Oleander

Credit: Amanda Oleander
We reckon that’s bloody lovely. Of course, there’s a real message in there too. In the early days of a relationship, you might need to hide the fact you could probably contact Guinness because of the ferocity of your farts. Later on, you can unleash thunderous volley after thunderous volley of the stinky boys and all you’ll get is an eye-roll before she fires back one of her own.

Credit: Amanda Oleander

Credit: Amanda Oleander

Credit: Amanda Oleander
Anyway, have a squiz at these. If you wanna know more, check out Amanda’s site.

Credit: Amanda Oleander

Credit: Amanda Oleander
Final thought: All jokes aside, it’s kinda nice to get in touch with your emotions as you look at these and reflect on the joy your missus, your wooz, or your sheila brings to your life. Why don’t you tag old love in the comments section and let her know? In the least, it’ll help grease the wheels for later. Follow that with a couple of roses and a slap on the arse and you’ll be balls deep in clunge in no time!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Greatest Mating Dance Ever!