Awkward moment after first Aussie vaccination caught on film
As you’re probably aware, the first COVID vaccine jabs have been administered here in Ozzyland, and as is always the way here in Australia – particularly when our nation’s bumbling Prime Minister is on the case – it quickly degenerated into farce. Ok, maybe that’s a bit of a stretch, but it still ended up with Australia’s first vaccine recipient, Jane Milysiak, flipping the nation the bird, and we reckon that’s f**ken bonza!
Yeah, nah, deadset. We reckon we might have a bit of trouble not flipping the bird if we were around Scomo, and not only because you never know when that bloke’s gonna s–t himself in public.

Credit: ABC News
Still, he might have been there, but this yarn’s not about him. Bloody Jane, the big legend, was selected as Australia’s first COVID-19 vaccine recipient. This naturally came with a bit of fanfare, and when she got the jab, the Prime Minister and television crews were on hand to see how it panned out.

Credit: ABC News
Well, she took the vaccine like a trooper, and when she was done, Scomo told her she needed to flash the ‘V’ sign, explaining that in this case V for victory would mean V for vaccine.

Credit: ABC News
At first, Jane looked a bit bewildered, but she quickly cottoned on. And then she pulled her legendary stunt. She flipped the nation two fingers, giving us all a big ‘up yours!’
You know what, though, if you look at the cheeky laugh she busts out afterwards, you might ask yourself if she was really that unsure of what she was doing.

Credit: ABC News
Give it a squiz and let us know what you reckon. Was it pure mistake, or was she having a laugh?
Final thought: Either way, she’s a bloody top sheila for showing everyone that is she can do it, bloody anyone can. On top of that, who can stand being that close to the overly touchy-feely Prime Minister for such an extended period of time? Anyway, share your thoughts in the comment section as to whether Jane meant it or not. We’re gonna go with a big F**K YES!
Just in case you missed it, here’s one of Ozzy’s latest commentary videos…Ozzy Man Reviews: Hawk Vs Duck
Video Link: ABC NEWS